#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "fastcgi.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE (64*1024) #define CONST_STR_LEN(x) (x), sizeof(x) - 1 #define GSTR_LEN(x) (x) ? (x)->str : "", (x) ? (x)->len : 0 #define UNUSED(x) ((void)(x)) /* #define ERROR(...) g_printerr(G_STRLOC " (" G_STRFUNC "): " __VA_ARGS__) */ #define __STR(x) #x #define ERROR(...) g_printerr("fcgi-cgi.c:" G_STRINGIFY(__LINE__) ": " __VA_ARGS__) struct fcgi_cgi_server; typedef struct fcgi_cgi_server fcgi_cgi_server; struct fcgi_cgi_child; typedef struct fcgi_cgi_child fcgi_cgi_child; struct fcgi_cgi_server { struct ev_loop *loop; fastcgi_server *fsrv; GPtrArray *aborted_pending_childs; ev_signal sig_w_INT, sig_w_TERM, sig_w_HUP; }; struct fcgi_cgi_child { fcgi_cgi_server *srv; fastcgi_connection *fcon; gint aborted_id; pid_t pid; gint child_status; ev_child child_watcher; gint pipe_in, pipe_out, pipe_err; ev_io pipe_in_watcher, pipe_out_watcher, pipe_err_watcher; /* write queue */ fastcgi_queue write_queue; }; static fcgi_cgi_child* fcgi_cgi_child_create(fcgi_cgi_server *srv, fastcgi_connection *fcon); static void fcgi_cgi_child_check_done(fcgi_cgi_child *cld); static void fcgi_cgi_child_close_write(fcgi_cgi_child *cld); static void fcgi_cgi_child_close_read(fcgi_cgi_child *cld); static void fcgi_cgi_child_close_error(fcgi_cgi_child *cld); static void fcgi_cgi_child_free(fcgi_cgi_child *cld); static void fcgi_cgi_child_error(fcgi_cgi_child *cld); static void fcgi_cgi_child_start(fcgi_cgi_child *cld, const gchar *path); static void fcgi_cgi_wrote_data(fastcgi_connection *fcon); /* move a fd to another and close the old one */ static void move2fd(int srcfd, int dstfd) { if (srcfd != dstfd) { close(dstfd); dup2(srcfd, dstfd); close(srcfd); } } static void fd_init(int fd) { #ifdef _WIN32 int i = 1; #endif #ifdef FD_CLOEXEC /* close fd on exec (cgi) */ fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); #endif #ifdef O_NONBLOCK fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK | O_RDWR); #elif defined _WIN32 ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, &i); #endif } static void fcgi_cgi_child_child_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_child *w, int revents) { fcgi_cgi_child *cld = (fcgi_cgi_child*) w->data; UNUSED(revents); ev_child_stop(loop, w); fcgi_cgi_child_close_write(cld); cld->pid = -1; cld->child_status = w->rstatus; fcgi_cgi_child_check_done(cld); } static void write_queue(fcgi_cgi_child *cld) { if (-1 == cld->pipe_out) return; if (fastcgi_queue_write(cld->pipe_out, &cld->write_queue, 256*1024) < 0) { fcgi_cgi_child_close_write(cld); return; } if (-1 != cld->pipe_out) { if (cld->write_queue.length > 0) { ev_io_start(cld->srv->loop, &cld->pipe_out_watcher); if (cld->write_queue.length > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) { fastcgi_suspend_read(cld->fcon); } else { fastcgi_resume_read(cld->fcon); } } else { if (cld->write_queue.closed) { fcgi_cgi_child_close_write(cld); } else { ev_io_stop(cld->srv->loop, &cld->pipe_out_watcher); fastcgi_resume_read(cld->fcon); } } } } static GByteArray* read_chunk(gint fd, guint maxlen) { gssize res; GByteArray *buf; int tmp_errno; buf = g_byte_array_sized_new(maxlen); g_byte_array_set_size(buf, maxlen); if (0 == maxlen) return buf; res = read(fd, buf->data, maxlen); if (res == -1) { tmp_errno = errno; g_byte_array_free(buf, TRUE); errno = tmp_errno; return NULL; } else if (res == 0) { g_byte_array_free(buf, TRUE); errno = ECONNRESET; return NULL; } else { g_byte_array_set_size(buf, res); return buf; } } static void fcgi_cgi_child_pipe_in_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_io *w, int revents) { fcgi_cgi_child *cld = (fcgi_cgi_child*) w->data; GByteArray *buf; UNUSED(loop); UNUSED(revents); if (NULL == (buf = read_chunk(cld->pipe_in, 64*1024))) { switch (errno) { case EINTR: case EAGAIN: #if EWOULDBLOCK != EAGAIN case EWOULDBLOCK: #endif return; /* try again later */ case ECONNRESET: fcgi_cgi_child_close_read(cld); break; default: ERROR("read from fd=%d failed, %s\n", cld->pipe_in, g_strerror(errno)); fcgi_cgi_child_close_read(cld); break; } } else if (cld->fcon) { fastcgi_send_out_bytearray(cld->fcon, buf); fcgi_cgi_wrote_data(cld->fcon); } else { g_byte_array_free(buf, TRUE); } } static void fcgi_cgi_child_pipe_out_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_io *w, int revents) { fcgi_cgi_child *cld = (fcgi_cgi_child*) w->data; UNUSED(loop); UNUSED(revents); write_queue(cld); } static void fcgi_cgi_child_pipe_err_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_io *w, int revents) { fcgi_cgi_child *cld = (fcgi_cgi_child*) w->data; GByteArray *buf; UNUSED(loop); UNUSED(revents); if (NULL == (buf = read_chunk(cld->pipe_err, 64*1024))) { switch (errno) { case EINTR: case EAGAIN: #if EWOULDBLOCK != EAGAIN case EWOULDBLOCK: #endif return; /* try again later */ case ECONNRESET: fcgi_cgi_child_close_error(cld); break; default: ERROR("read from fd=%d failed, %s\n", cld->pipe_err, g_strerror(errno)); fcgi_cgi_child_close_error(cld); break; } } else if (cld->fcon) { fastcgi_send_err_bytearray(cld->fcon, buf); fcgi_cgi_wrote_data(cld->fcon); } else { g_byte_array_free(buf, TRUE); } } static fcgi_cgi_child* fcgi_cgi_child_create(fcgi_cgi_server *srv, fastcgi_connection *fcon) { fcgi_cgi_child *cld = g_slice_new0(fcgi_cgi_child); cld->srv = srv; cld->fcon = fcon; cld->aborted_id = -1; cld->pid = -1; ev_child_init(&cld->child_watcher, fcgi_cgi_child_child_cb, -1, 0); cld->child_watcher.data = cld; cld->pipe_in = cld->pipe_out = -1; ev_io_init(&cld->pipe_in_watcher, fcgi_cgi_child_pipe_in_cb, -1, 0); cld->pipe_in_watcher.data = cld; ev_io_init(&cld->pipe_out_watcher, fcgi_cgi_child_pipe_out_cb, -1, 0); cld->pipe_out_watcher.data = cld; ev_io_init(&cld->pipe_err_watcher, fcgi_cgi_child_pipe_err_cb, -1, 0); cld->pipe_err_watcher.data = cld; return cld; } static void fcgi_cgi_child_check_done(fcgi_cgi_child *cld) { if (!cld->fcon) { if (-1 != cld->aborted_id && (cld->pid == -1 || (cld->pipe_out == -1 && cld->pipe_in == -1))) { fcgi_cgi_child *t_cld; GPtrArray *a = cld->srv->aborted_pending_childs; guint i = a->len - 1; t_cld = g_ptr_array_index(a, cld->aborted_id) = g_ptr_array_index(a, i); g_ptr_array_set_size(a, i); t_cld->aborted_id = cld->aborted_id; cld->aborted_id = -1; fcgi_cgi_child_free(cld); } } else { if (cld->pid == -1 && cld->pipe_out == -1 && cld->pipe_in == -1 && cld->pipe_err == -1) { fastcgi_end_request(cld->fcon, cld->child_status, FCGI_REQUEST_COMPLETE); } } } static void fcgi_cgi_child_close_write(fcgi_cgi_child *cld) { if (cld->pipe_out != -1) { ev_io_stop(cld->srv->loop, &cld->pipe_out_watcher); close(cld->pipe_out); cld->pipe_out = -1; fastcgi_queue_clear(&cld->write_queue); cld->write_queue.closed = TRUE; fcgi_cgi_child_check_done(cld); } } static void fcgi_cgi_child_close_read(fcgi_cgi_child *cld) { if (cld->pipe_in != -1) { ev_io_stop(cld->srv->loop, &cld->pipe_in_watcher); close(cld->pipe_in); cld->pipe_in = -1; if (cld->fcon) fastcgi_send_out(cld->fcon, NULL); fcgi_cgi_child_check_done(cld); } } static void fcgi_cgi_child_close_error(fcgi_cgi_child *cld) { if (cld->pipe_err != -1) { ev_io_stop(cld->srv->loop, &cld->pipe_err_watcher); close(cld->pipe_err); cld->pipe_err = -1; if (cld->fcon) fastcgi_send_err(cld->fcon, NULL); fcgi_cgi_child_check_done(cld); } } static void fcgi_cgi_child_free(fcgi_cgi_child *cld) { if (cld->fcon) cld->fcon->data = NULL; cld->fcon = NULL; fcgi_cgi_child_close_write(cld); fcgi_cgi_child_close_read(cld); fcgi_cgi_child_close_error(cld); ev_child_stop(cld->srv->loop, &cld->child_watcher); g_slice_free(fcgi_cgi_child, cld); } static void fcgi_cgi_child_error(fcgi_cgi_child *cld) { if (cld->fcon) { fastcgi_connection_close(cld->fcon); } } static void fcgi_cgi_child_start(fcgi_cgi_child *cld, const gchar *path) { int pipes_to[2] = {-1, -1}, pipes_from[2] = {-1, -1}, pipes_err[2] = {-1, -1}; pid_t pid; if (-1 == pipe(pipes_to)) { ERROR("couldn't create pipe: %s\n", g_strerror(errno)); goto error; } if (-1 == pipe(pipes_from)) { ERROR("couldn't create pipe: %s\n", g_strerror(errno)); goto error; } if (-1 == pipe(pipes_err)) { ERROR("couldn't create pipe: %s\n", g_strerror(errno)); goto error; } pid = fork(); switch (pid) { case 0: { GPtrArray *enva = cld->fcon->environ; char **newenv; char *const args[] = { (char *) path, NULL }; close(pipes_to[1]); close(pipes_from[0]); close(pipes_err[0]); move2fd(pipes_to[0], 0); move2fd(pipes_from[1], 1); move2fd(pipes_err[1], 2); /* try changing the directory. don't care about memleaks, execve() coming soon :) */ { char *dir = strdup(path), *sep; if (NULL == (sep = strrchr(dir, '/'))) { chdir("/"); } else { *sep = '\0'; chdir(dir); } } g_ptr_array_add(enva, NULL); newenv = (char**) g_ptr_array_free(enva, FALSE); execve(path, args, newenv); ERROR("couldn't execve '%s': %s\n", path, g_strerror(errno)); exit(-1); } break; case -1: ERROR("couldn't fork: %s\n", g_strerror(errno)); goto error; default: cld->pid = pid; ev_child_set(&cld->child_watcher, cld->pid, 0); ev_child_start(cld->srv->loop, &cld->child_watcher); close(pipes_to[0]); close(pipes_from[1]); close(pipes_err[1]); fd_init(pipes_to[1]); fd_init(pipes_from[0]); fd_init(pipes_err[0]); cld->pipe_out = pipes_to[1]; cld->pipe_in = pipes_from[0]; cld->pipe_err = pipes_err[0]; ev_io_set(&cld->pipe_out_watcher, cld->pipe_out, EV_WRITE); ev_io_set(&cld->pipe_in_watcher, cld->pipe_in, EV_READ); ev_io_set(&cld->pipe_err_watcher, cld->pipe_err, EV_READ); if (cld->write_queue.length > 0) ev_io_start(cld->srv->loop, &cld->pipe_out_watcher); ev_io_start(cld->srv->loop, &cld->pipe_in_watcher); ev_io_start(cld->srv->loop, &cld->pipe_err_watcher); break; } return; error: close(pipes_to[0]); close(pipes_to[1]); close(pipes_from[0]); close(pipes_from[1]); close(pipes_err[0]); close(pipes_err[1]); fcgi_cgi_child_error(cld); } static void fcgi_cgi_direct_result(fastcgi_connection *fcon, int status) { GString *s = g_string_new(0); g_string_append_printf(s, "Status: %i\r\n\r\n", status); fastcgi_send_out(fcon, s); fastcgi_send_out(fcon, NULL); fastcgi_send_err(fcon, NULL); fastcgi_end_request(fcon, 0, FCGI_REQUEST_COMPLETE); } static void fcgi_cgi_new_request(fastcgi_connection *fcon) { fcgi_cgi_child *cld = (fcgi_cgi_child*) fcon->data; const gchar *binpath; struct stat st; if (cld) return; binpath = fastcgi_connection_environ_lookup(fcon, CONST_STR_LEN("INTERPRETER")); if (!binpath) binpath = fastcgi_connection_environ_lookup(fcon, CONST_STR_LEN("SCRIPT_FILENAME")); if (!binpath) { fcgi_cgi_direct_result(fcon, 500); return; } if (-1 == stat(binpath, &st)) { switch (errno) { case EACCES: case ENOTDIR: fcgi_cgi_direct_result(fcon, 403); break; case ENOENT: fcgi_cgi_direct_result(fcon, 404); break; default: fcgi_cgi_direct_result(fcon, 500); break; } return; } if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode) || !((S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH) && st.st_mode)) { fcgi_cgi_direct_result(fcon, 403); return; } cld = fcgi_cgi_child_create(fcon->fsrv->data, fcon); fcon->data = cld; fcgi_cgi_child_start(cld, binpath); } static void fcgi_cgi_wrote_data(fastcgi_connection *fcon) { fcgi_cgi_child *cld = (fcgi_cgi_child*) fcon->data; if (!cld) return; if (cld->fcon->write_queue.length < MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) { if (-1 != cld->pipe_in) ev_io_start(cld->srv->loop, &cld->pipe_in_watcher); if (-1 != cld->pipe_err) ev_io_start(cld->srv->loop, &cld->pipe_err_watcher); } else { if (-1 != cld->pipe_in) ev_io_stop(cld->srv->loop, &cld->pipe_in_watcher); if (-1 != cld->pipe_err) ev_io_stop(cld->srv->loop, &cld->pipe_err_watcher); } } static void fcgi_cgi_received_stdin(fastcgi_connection *fcon, GByteArray *data) { fcgi_cgi_child *cld = (fcgi_cgi_child*) fcon->data; /* if proc is running but pipe closed -> drop data */ if (!cld || cld->write_queue.closed) { if (data) g_byte_array_free(data, TRUE); return; } fastcgi_queue_append_bytearray(&cld->write_queue, data); write_queue(cld); /* if we don't call this we have to check the write-queue length */ } static void fcgi_cgi_request_aborted(fastcgi_connection *fcon) { fcgi_cgi_child *cld = (fcgi_cgi_child*) fcon->data; if (!cld) return; fcgi_cgi_child_close_write(cld); } static void fcgi_cgi_reset_connection(fastcgi_connection *fcon) { fcgi_cgi_child *cld = (fcgi_cgi_child*) fcon->data; if (!cld) return; fcon->data = NULL; cld->fcon = NULL; if (cld->pid == -1 || (cld->pipe_out == -1 && cld->pipe_in == -1)) { fcgi_cgi_child_free(cld); } else { fcgi_cgi_child_close_write(cld); if (-1 != cld->pipe_in) ev_io_start(cld->srv->loop, &cld->pipe_in_watcher); if (-1 != cld->pipe_err) ev_io_start(cld->srv->loop, &cld->pipe_err_watcher); cld->aborted_id = cld->srv->aborted_pending_childs->len; g_ptr_array_add(cld->srv->aborted_pending_childs, cld); } } static const fastcgi_callbacks cgi_callbacks = { /* cb_new_connection: */ NULL, /* cb_new_request: */ fcgi_cgi_new_request, /* cb_wrote_data: */ fcgi_cgi_wrote_data, /* cb_received_stdin: */ fcgi_cgi_received_stdin, /* cb_received_data: */ NULL, /* cb_request_aborted: */ fcgi_cgi_request_aborted, /* cb_reset_connection: */ fcgi_cgi_reset_connection }; static fcgi_cgi_server* fcgi_cgi_server_create(struct ev_loop *loop, int fd, guint maxconns) { fcgi_cgi_server* srv = g_slice_new0(fcgi_cgi_server); srv->loop = loop; srv->aborted_pending_childs = g_ptr_array_new(); srv->fsrv = fastcgi_server_create(loop, fd, &cgi_callbacks, maxconns); srv->fsrv->data = srv; return srv; } static void fcgi_cgi_server_free(fcgi_cgi_server* srv) { guint i; for (i = 0; i < srv->aborted_pending_childs->len; i++) { fcgi_cgi_child_free(g_ptr_array_index(srv->aborted_pending_childs, i)); } g_ptr_array_free(srv->aborted_pending_childs, TRUE); fastcgi_server_free(srv->fsrv); g_slice_free(fcgi_cgi_server, srv); } #define CATCH_SIGNAL(loop, cb, n) do {\ ev_init(&srv->sig_w_##n, cb); \ ev_signal_set(&srv->sig_w_##n, SIG##n); \ ev_signal_start(loop, &srv->sig_w_##n); \ srv->sig_w_##n.data = srv; \ ev_unref(loop); /* Signal watchers shouldn't keep loop alive */ \ } while (0) #define UNCATCH_SIGNAL(loop, n) do {\ ev_ref(loop); \ ev_signal_stop(loop, &srv->sig_w_##n); \ } while (0) static void sigint_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_signal *w, int revents) { fcgi_cgi_server *srv = (fcgi_cgi_server*) w->data; UNUSED(revents); if (!srv->fsrv->do_shutdown) { ERROR("Got signal, shutdown\n"); fastcgi_server_stop(srv->fsrv); } else { ERROR("Got second signal, force shutdown\n"); ev_unloop(loop, EVUNLOOP_ALL); } } typedef struct { gint maxconns; gboolean show_version; } options; static options opts = { /* maxconns:*/ 16, /* version: */ FALSE, }; static const GOptionEntry entries[] = { { "max-connections", 'c', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &opts.maxconns, "Maximum number of connections (default 16)", "number" }, { "version", 'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opts.show_version, "Show version", NULL }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct ev_loop *loop; fcgi_cgi_server* srv; UNUSED(argc); UNUSED(argv); loop = ev_default_loop(0); srv = fcgi_cgi_server_create(loop, 0, opts.maxconns); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); CATCH_SIGNAL(loop, sigint_cb, INT); CATCH_SIGNAL(loop, sigint_cb, TERM); CATCH_SIGNAL(loop, sigint_cb, HUP); ev_loop(loop, 0); fcgi_cgi_server_free(srv); return 0; }