add chunked encoding support

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Porzelt 2009-09-30 23:31:03 +02:00
parent 9d7e517a0d
commit b9a679e2f5
3 changed files with 116 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
- handle responses without content-length but connection: close
- timing statistics
- generally better statistics
- chunked encoding support
- ssl support
- better error reporting
- pipelining
- fuzzer

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
#include "weighttp.h"
static uint8_t client_parse(Client *client);
static uint8_t client_parse(Client *client, int size);
static void client_io_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_io *w, int revents);
static void client_set_events(Client *client, int events);
@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ Client *client_new(Worker *worker) {
client->buffer_offset = 0;
client->request_offset = 0;
client->keepalive = client->worker->config->keep_alive;
client->chunked = 0;
client->chunk_size = -1;
client->chunk_received = 0;
return client;
@ -109,6 +112,9 @@ static void client_reset(Client *client) {
client->bytes_received = 0;
client->header_size = 0;
client->keepalive = client->worker->config->keep_alive;
client->chunked = 0;
client->chunk_size = -1;
client->chunk_received = 0;
static uint8_t client_connect(Client *client) {
@ -220,7 +226,7 @@ void client_state_machine(Client *client) {
while (1) {
r = read(client->sock_watcher.fd, &client->buffer[client->buffer_offset], sizeof(client->buffer) - client->buffer_offset - 1);
//printf("read(): %d\n", r);
//printf("read(): %d, offset was: %d\n", r, client->buffer_offset);
if (r == -1) {
/* error */
if (errno == EINTR)
@ -241,7 +247,7 @@ void client_state_machine(Client *client) {
client->buffer[client->buffer_offset] = '\0';
//printf("buffer:\n==========\n%s\n==========\n", client->buffer);
if (!client_parse(client)) {
if (!client_parse(client, r)) {
client->state = CLIENT_ERROR;
//printf("parser failed\n");
@ -299,7 +305,7 @@ void client_state_machine(Client *client) {
static uint8_t client_parse(Client *client) {
static uint8_t client_parse(Client *client, int size) {
char *end, *str;
switch (client->parser_state) {
@ -336,7 +342,7 @@ static uint8_t client_parse(Client *client) {
client->header_size = end + 2 - client->buffer;
//printf("body reached\n");
return client_parse(client);
return client_parse(client, size - client->header_size);
*end = '\0';
@ -358,15 +364,25 @@ static uint8_t client_parse(Client *client) {
client->keepalive = client->worker->config->keep_alive;
return 0;
} else if (strncmp(str, "Transfer-Encoding: ", sizeof("Transfer-Encoding: ")-1) == 0) {
/* transfer encoding header */
str += sizeof("Transfer-Encoding: ") - 1;
if (strncmp(str, "chunked", sizeof("chunked")-1) == 0)
client->chunked = 1;
return 0;
if (*(end+2) == '\r' && *(end+3) == '\n') {
/* body reached */
client->parser_state = PARSER_BODY;
client->header_size = end + 4 - client->buffer;
client->parser_offset = client->header_size;
//printf("body reached\n");
return client_parse(client);
return client_parse(client, size - client->header_size);
client->parser_offset = end - client->buffer + 2;
@ -378,15 +394,97 @@ static uint8_t client_parse(Client *client) {
/* do nothing, just consume the data */
/*printf("content-l: %"PRIu64", header: %d, recevied: %"PRIu64"\n",
client->content_length, client->header_size, client->bytes_received);*/
client->buffer_offset = 0;
if (client->content_length == -1)
return 0;
if (client->chunked) {
int consume_max;
if (client->bytes_received == (uint64_t) (client->header_size + client->content_length)) {
/* full response received */
client->state = CLIENT_END;
client->success = client->status_200 ? 1 : 0;
str = &client->buffer[client->parser_offset];
/*printf("parsing chunk: '%s'\n(%"PRIi64" received, %"PRIi64" size, %d parser offset)\n",
str, client->chunk_received, client->chunk_size, client->parser_offset
if (client->chunk_size == -1) {
/* read chunk size */
client->chunk_size = 0;
client->chunk_received = 0;
end = str + size;
for (; str < end; str++) {
if (*str == ';' || *str == '\r')
client->chunk_size *= 16;
if (*str >= '0' && *str <= '9')
client->chunk_size += *str - '0';
else if (*str >= 'A' && *str <= 'Z')
client->chunk_size += 10 + *str - 'A';
else if (*str >= 'a' && *str <= 'z')
client->chunk_size += 10 + *str - 'a';
return 0;
str = strstr(str, "\r\n");
if (!str)
return 0;
str += 2;
//printf("---------- chunk size: %"PRIi64", %d read, %d offset, data: '%s'\n", client->chunk_size, size, client->parser_offset, str);
if (client->chunk_size == 0) {
/* chunk of size 0 marks end of content body */
client->state = CLIENT_END;
client->success = client->status_200 ? 1 : 0;
return 1;
size -= str - &client->buffer[client->parser_offset];
client->parser_offset = str - client->buffer;
/* consume chunk till chunk_size is reached */
consume_max = client->chunk_size - client->chunk_received;
if (size < consume_max)
consume_max = size;
client->chunk_received += consume_max;
client->parser_offset += consume_max;
//printf("---------- chunk consuming: %d, received: %"PRIi64" of %"PRIi64", offset: %d\n", consume_max, client->chunk_received, client->chunk_size, client->parser_offset);
if (client->chunk_received == client->chunk_size) {
if (client->buffer[client->parser_offset] != '\r' || client->buffer[client->parser_offset+1] != '\n')
return 0;
/* got whole chunk, next! */
//printf("---------- got whole chunk!!\n");
client->chunk_size = -1;
client->chunk_received = 0;
client->parser_offset += 2;
consume_max += 2;
/* there is stuff left to parse */
if (size - consume_max > 0)
return client_parse(client, size - consume_max);
client->parser_offset = 0;
client->buffer_offset = 0;
return 1;
} else {
/* not chunked, just consume all data till content-length is reached */
client->buffer_offset = 0;
if (client->content_length == -1)
return 0;
if (client->bytes_received == (uint64_t) (client->header_size + client->content_length)) {
/* full response received */
client->state = CLIENT_END;
client->success = client->status_200 ? 1 : 0;
return 1;

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@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ struct Client {
uint8_t keepalive;
uint8_t success;
uint8_t status_200;
uint8_t chunked;
int64_t chunk_size;
int64_t chunk_received;
int64_t content_length;
uint64_t bytes_received; /* including http header */
uint16_t header_size;