add support for responses that are not keepalive, not chunked and don't have any content-length header

Esse commit está contido em:
Thomas Porzelt 2009-10-04 17:45:19 +02:00
commit bdfdd127c1
2 arquivos alterados com 9 adições e 3 exclusões

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@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
- handle responses without content-length but connection: close
- timing statistics
- generally better statistics
- ssl support

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@ -259,8 +259,15 @@ void client_state_machine(Client *client) {
} else {
/* disconnect */
client->state = CLIENT_ERROR;
if (client->parser_state == PARSER_BODY && !client->keepalive && client->status_200
&& !client->chunked && client->content_length == -1) {
client->success = 1;
client->state = CLIENT_END;
} else {
client->state = CLIENT_ERROR;
goto start;