added simulator

added maps
added a comment
Cette révision appartient à :
Johannes Reinhardt 2008-07-12 00:04:03 +02:00
Parent 2cc779b0a7
révision 6c029d2009
6 fichiers modifiés avec 2517 ajouts et 0 suppressions

maps/README Fichier normal
Voir le fichier

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Here are some sample maps that you can use to test your rover. The difficulty level in these
maps increases from the top of the list to the bottom.
map boulders craters # of enemies # of runs
simple-small.wrld sparse none 0 3
small-scatter.wrld dense dense 5 5
spiral.wrld dense spiral sparse 4 5

maps/simple-small.wrld Fichier normal
Voir le fichier

@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
"size" : 200,
"timeLimit" : 30000,
"vehicleParams" : {
"maxSpeed" : 20,
"accel" : 2,
"brake" : 3,
"turn" : 20,
"hardTurn" : 60,
"frontView" : 60,
"rotAccel" : 120,
"rearView" : 30
"martianParams" : {
"maxSpeed" : 20,
"accel" : 2,
"brake" : 3,
"turn" : 20,
"hardTurn" : 60,
"rotAccel" : 120,
"frontView" : 60,
"rearView" : 30
"craters" : [
"boulders" : [
"x" : -96.875,
"y" : 84.375,
"r" : 0.924625
"x" : -84.375,
"y" : 84.375,
"r" : 1.00309
"x" : -56.25,
"y" : 81.25,
"r" : 0.660834
"x" : -59.375,
"y" : 71.875,
"r" : 0.48866
"x" : -65.625,
"y" : 59.375,
"r" : 0.565278
"x" : -57.8125,
"y" : 60.9375,
"r" : 0.39526
"x" : -53.125,
"y" : 59.375,
"r" : 0.788025
"x" : -40.625,
"y" : 90.625,
"r" : 0.752198
"x" : -9.375,
"y" : 96.875,
"r" : 1.22462
"x" : -6.25,
"y" : 81.25,
"r" : 1.08559
"x" : -45.3125,
"y" : 64.0625,
"r" : 0.599834
"x" : -31.25,
"y" : 68.75,
"r" : 0.995585
"x" : -42.1875,
"y" : 57.8125,
"r" : 0.400572
"x" : -28.125,
"y" : 59.375,
"r" : 0.522897
"x" : -18.75,
"y" : 68.75,
"r" : 1.0967
"x" : -18.75,
"y" : 56.25,
"r" : 2.12401
"x" : -7.8125,
"y" : 54.6875,
"r" : 0.586514
"x" : -78.125,
"y" : 46.875,
"r" : 1.2822
"x" : -85.9375,
"y" : 39.0625,
"r" : 0.407861
"x" : -96.875,
"y" : 28.125,
"r" : 0.917306
"x" : -93.75,
"y" : -6.25,
"r" : 0.477421
"x" : -81.25,
"y" : -6.25,
"r" : 0.477918
"x" : -93.75,
"y" : -18.75,
"r" : 1.24131
"x" : -81.25,
"y" : -18.75,
"r" : 1.24181
"x" : -96.875,
"y" : -28.125,
"r" : 0.690431
"x" : -56.25,
"y" : -43.75,
"r" : 1.39994
"x" : -37.5,
"y" : -12.5,
"r" : 2.60405
"x" : -6.25,
"y" : -18.75,
"r" : 0.626271
"x" : -93.75,
"y" : -56.25,
"r" : 1.0744
"x" : -81.25,
"y" : -56.25,
"r" : 1.33848
"x" : -62.5,
"y" : -87.5,
"r" : 4.0546
"x" : -46.875,
"y" : -65.625,
"r" : 0.57435
"x" : -40.625,
"y" : -65.625,
"r" : 0.564285
"x" : -6.25,
"y" : -81.25,
"r" : 2.00255
"runs" : [
"vehicle" : {
"x" : -25,
"y" : 25,
"dir" : 50
"enemies" : [
"vehicle" : {
"x" : -75,
"y" : 75,
"dir" : 50
"enemies" : [
"vehicle" : {
"x" : -25,
"y" : 25,
"dir" : 50
"enemies" : [

maps/small-scatter.wrld Fichier normal

Fichier diff supprimé car celui-ci est trop grand Voir la Diff

maps/spiral.wrld Fichier normal

Fichier diff supprimé car celui-ci est trop grand Voir la Diff

simulator/README Fichier normal
Voir le fichier

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
This is the low-resolution server. It uses software rendering for
its graphics and was compiled using the LiveCD environment.

simulator/server Fichier exécutable

Fichier binaire non affiché.