const INPUT: &str = include_str!("../../data/day11/input"); #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] enum Cell { Floor, Seat { occupied: bool }, } impl Cell { fn parse(b: u8) -> Cell { match b { b'.' => Self::Floor, b'L' => Self::Seat { occupied: false }, b'#' => Self::Seat { occupied: true }, // shouldn't happen in input... _ => panic!("Invalid cell: {}", b), } } fn as_char(self) -> char { match self { Self::Floor => '.', Self::Seat { occupied: false } => 'L', Self::Seat { occupied: true } => '#', } } fn occupied(self) -> bool { match self { Self::Floor => false, Self::Seat { occupied: false } => false, Self::Seat { occupied: true } => true, } } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] struct Area { width: usize, height: usize, cells: Vec, } impl Area { fn parse(data: &str) -> Self { let input_width = data.lines().next().unwrap().len(); let width = input_width + 2; let mut height = 0; let mut cells = Vec::new(); // use stub cells to surround everything to avoid having to check indices for overflow const STUB_CELL: Cell = Cell::Seat { occupied: false }; // stub first row with floor cells height += 1; cells.resize(cells.len() + width, STUB_CELL); for line in data.lines() { assert_eq!(input_width, line.len()); height += 1; cells.push(STUB_CELL); cells.extend(line.bytes().map(Cell::parse)); cells.push(STUB_CELL); } height += 1; cells.resize(cells.len() + width, STUB_CELL); assert_eq!(width * height, cells.len()); Self { width, height, cells } } fn occupied(&self) -> usize { self.cells.iter().filter(|c| c.occupied()).count() } fn step(&self, target: &mut Self) { assert_eq!(self.width, target.width); assert_eq!(self.height, target.height); let w = self.width as isize; let adjacent_offsets = [ -w - 1, -w, -w + 1, -1, /* 0, */ 1, w - 1, w, w + 1, ]; for y in 1..self.height-1 { let row_offset = y * self.width; for x in 1..self.width-1 { let cell_offset = row_offset + x; let co = cell_offset as isize; let c = match self.cells[cell_offset] { Cell::Floor => Cell::Floor, Cell::Seat { occupied: false } => { if adjacent_offsets.iter().all(|&o| !self.cells[(co + o) as usize].occupied()) { Cell::Seat { occupied: true } } else { Cell::Seat { occupied: false } } }, Cell::Seat { occupied: true } => { if adjacent_offsets.iter().filter(|&o| self.cells[(co + o) as usize].occupied()).count() < 4 { Cell::Seat { occupied: true } } else { Cell::Seat { occupied: false } } }, }; target.cells[cell_offset] = c; } } } fn search_seat(&self, (mut y, mut x): (usize, usize), (diry, dirx): (isize, isize)) -> bool { loop { y = (y as isize + diry) as usize; x = (x as isize + dirx) as usize; match self[(y, x)] { Cell::Floor => (), Cell::Seat { occupied } => return occupied, } } } fn step2(&self, target: &mut Self) { assert_eq!(self.width, target.width); assert_eq!(self.height, target.height); const LOOK_DIRECTIONS: [(isize, isize); 8] = [ (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, -1), /* (0, 0), */ (0, 1), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1), ]; for y in 1..self.height-1 { let row_offset = y * self.width; for x in 1..self.width-1 { let cell_offset = row_offset + x; let c = match self.cells[cell_offset] { Cell::Floor => Cell::Floor, Cell::Seat { occupied: false } => { if LOOK_DIRECTIONS.iter().all(|&ld| !self.search_seat((y, x), ld)) { Cell::Seat { occupied: true } } else { Cell::Seat { occupied: false } } }, Cell::Seat { occupied: true } => { if LOOK_DIRECTIONS.iter().filter(|&&ld| self.search_seat((y, x), ld)).take(5).count() < 5 { Cell::Seat { occupied: true } } else { Cell::Seat { occupied: false } } }, }; target.cells[cell_offset] = c; } } } } impl std::ops::Index<(usize, usize)> for Area { type Output = Cell; fn index(&self, (y, x): (usize, usize)) -> &Self::Output { &self.cells[y * self.width + x] } } impl std::fmt::Display for Area { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { use std::fmt::Write; for y in 1..self.height-1 { let row_offset = y * self.width; f.write_char(' ')?; for x in 1..self.width-1 { f.write_char(self.cells[row_offset+x].as_char())?; } f.write_str("\n")?; } Ok(()) } } fn main() { let input_area = Box::new(Area::parse(INPUT)); { let mut area = input_area.clone(); let mut next_area = area.clone(); loop { area.step(&mut next_area); if area == next_area { break; } std::mem::swap(&mut area, &mut next_area); } // print!("{}", area); println!("Occupied part 1: {}", area.occupied()); } { let mut area = input_area.clone(); let mut next_area = area.clone(); loop { area.step2(&mut next_area); if area == next_area { break; } std::mem::swap(&mut area, &mut next_area); } print!("{}", area); println!("Occupied part 2: {}", area.occupied()); } }