use dnsbox_base::common_types::{Type, DnsName}; use dnsbox_base::failure::Error; use dnsbox_base::packet::Resource; use dnsbox_base::ser::RRData; use futures::{Future, Poll, Async}; use futures::unsync::oneshot; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::mem::replace; use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr}; use std::rc::Rc; use std::time::Duration; mod root_hints; #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug)] pub enum Source { Hint, Glue, Authority, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Entry { rrset: Vec>, source: Source, ttl: u32, } impl Entry { pub fn new(rrset: Vec>, source: Source) -> Self { unimplemented!() } /// whether TTL not reached yet. might also check DNSSEC stamps pub fn alive(&self) -> bool { true } pub fn needs_refresh(&self) -> bool { // TTL > 60 and only 25% ttl left before getting invalid false } } enum InnerEntry { Missing, Hit(Rc), Refreshing(Rc), Pending(Vec>>), } impl InnerEntry { fn restart(&mut self) -> (bool, CacheResult) { // start new lookup let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); replace(self, InnerEntry::Pending(vec![tx])); (true, CacheResult(InnerResult::Waiting(rx))) } fn get(&mut self) -> (bool, CacheResult) { match replace(self, InnerEntry::Missing) { InnerEntry::Missing => self.restart(), InnerEntry::Hit(e) => { if !e.alive() { self.restart(); } let res = CacheResult(InnerResult::Ready(e.clone())); let start_lookup = if e.needs_refresh() { replace(self, InnerEntry::Refreshing(e)); true } else { replace(self, InnerEntry::Hit(e)); false }; (start_lookup, res) }, InnerEntry::Refreshing(e) => { if !e.alive() { // new request already pending; but need new wait queue (false, self.restart().1) } else { let res = CacheResult(InnerResult::Ready(e.clone())); replace(self, InnerEntry::Refreshing(e)); (false, res) } } InnerEntry::Pending(mut queue) => { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); queue.push(tx); replace(self, InnerEntry::Pending(queue)); (false, CacheResult(InnerResult::Waiting(rx))) } } } } type NameEntry = HashMap; pub type LookupFunction = Box Box>>; pub struct Cache { names: Rc>>, timeout: Duration, lookup: RefCell, } impl Cache { pub fn new(timeout: Duration, lookup: LookupFunction) -> Self { Cache { names: Rc::new(RefCell::new(HashMap::new())), timeout: timeout, lookup: RefCell::new(lookup), } } fn start_lookup(&self, name: DnsName, rrtype: Type) { unimplemented!() } pub fn lookup(&self, name: DnsName, rrtype: Type) -> CacheResult { let mut name_str = format!("{}", name); name_str.make_ascii_lowercase(); let (start_lookup, res) = { let mut names = self.names.borrow_mut(); let types = names.entry(name_str).or_insert_with(|| HashMap::new()); let entry = types.entry(rrtype).or_insert(InnerEntry::Missing); entry.get() }; if start_lookup { self.start_lookup(name, rrtype); } res } /// Insert hints /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics when the `rrset` entries don't match `rrtype`. pub fn insert_hint(&self, name: DnsName, rrtype: Type, rrset: Vec>) { for e in &rrset { assert_eq!(rrtype, e.rr_type()); } } } pub struct CacheResult(InnerResult); enum InnerResult { Ready(Rc), Waiting(oneshot::Receiver>), Finished, } impl Future for CacheResult { type Item = Rc; type Error = Error; fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll { match replace(&mut self.0, InnerResult::Finished) { InnerResult::Ready(res) => Ok(Async::Ready(res)), InnerResult::Waiting(mut rc) => { match rc.poll()? { Async::Ready(res) => Ok(Async::Ready(res)), Async::NotReady => { // keep waiting replace(&mut self.0, InnerResult::Waiting(rc)); Ok(Async::NotReady) } } }, InnerResult::Finished => Ok(Async::NotReady), } } }