use bytes::{Bytes, BufMut}; use data_encoding::{self, HEXLOWER_PERMISSIVE}; use crate::errors::*; use failure::{Fail, ResultExt}; use crate::ser::packet::{DnsPacketData, DnsPacketWriteContext, remaining_bytes, short_blob, write_short_blob, get_blob}; use crate::ser::text::*; use std::fmt; use std::io::Cursor; static WHITESPACE: &str = "\t\n\x0c\r "; // \f == \x0c formfeed lazy_static::lazy_static!{ pub(crate) static ref HEXLOWER_PERMISSIVE_ALLOW_WS: data_encoding::Encoding = { let mut spec = data_encoding::Specification::new(); spec.symbols.push_str("0123456789abcdef"); spec.translate.from.push_str("ABCDEF");"abcdef"); spec.ignore.push_str(WHITESPACE); spec.encoding().unwrap() }; static ref BASE64_ALLOW_WS: data_encoding::Encoding = { let mut spec = data_encoding::Specification::new(); spec.symbols.push_str("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"); spec.padding = Some('='); spec.ignore.push_str(WHITESPACE); spec.encoding().unwrap() }; } // Similar to `ShortText`, but uses (unquoted, no spaces allowed) hex // for text representation; "-" when empty #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub struct HexShortBlob(Bytes); impl DnsPacketData for HexShortBlob { fn deserialize(data: &mut Cursor) -> Result { Ok(HexShortBlob(short_blob(data)?)) } fn serialize(&self, _context: &mut DnsPacketWriteContext, packet: &mut Vec) -> Result<()> { write_short_blob(&self.0, packet) } } impl DnsTextData for HexShortBlob { fn dns_parse(_context: &DnsTextContext, data: &mut &str) -> crate::errors::Result { let s = next_field(data)?; if s == "-" { Ok(HexShortBlob(Bytes::new())) } else { let raw = HEXLOWER_PERMISSIVE.decode(s.as_bytes()) .with_context(|e| e.context(format!("invalid hex: {:?}", s)))?; failure::ensure!(raw.len() < 256, "short hex field must be at most 255 bytes long"); Ok(HexShortBlob(raw.into())) } } fn dns_format(&self, f: &mut DnsTextFormatter) -> fmt::Result { if self.0.is_empty() { write!(f, "-") } else { write!(f, "{}", HEXLOWER_PERMISSIVE.encode(&self.0)) } } } impl std::ops::Deref for HexShortBlob { type Target = [u8]; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } // 16-bit length, uses decimal length + base64 encoding (if length > 0) // for text representation. // // In base64 encoding no whitespace allowed and padding required. #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub struct Base64LongBlob(Bytes); impl DnsPacketData for Base64LongBlob { fn deserialize(data: &mut Cursor) -> Result { let len = u16::deserialize(data)? as usize; check_enough_data!(data, len, "data for long blob"); Ok(Base64LongBlob(get_blob(data, len)?)) } fn serialize(&self, context: &mut DnsPacketWriteContext, packet: &mut Vec) -> Result<()> { let len = self.0.len(); failure::ensure!(len < 0x1_0000, "blob too long"); (len as u16).serialize(context, packet)?; packet.reserve(len); packet.put_slice(&self.0); Ok(()) } } impl DnsTextData for Base64LongBlob { fn dns_parse(_context: &DnsTextContext, data: &mut &str) -> crate::errors::Result { let length_field = next_field(data)?; let length = length_field.parse::() .with_context(|_| format!("invalid length for blob: {:?}", length_field))?; if length > 0 { let blob_field = next_field(data)?; let result = BASE64_ALLOW_WS.decode(blob_field.as_bytes()) .with_context(|e| e.context(format!("invalid base64: {:?}", blob_field)))?; Ok(Base64LongBlob(result.into())) } else { Ok(Base64LongBlob(Bytes::new())) } } fn dns_format(&self, f: &mut DnsTextFormatter) -> fmt::Result { if self.0.len() >= 0x1_0000 { return Err(fmt::Error); } if self.0.is_empty() { write!(f, "0") } else { write!(f, "{} {}", self.0.len(), BASE64_ALLOW_WS.encode(&self.0)) } } } impl std::ops::Deref for Base64LongBlob { type Target = [u8]; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } /// No length byte (or restriction), just all data to end of record. uses /// base64 encoding for text representation, whitespace allowed, padding /// required. /// /// No following field allowed, i.e. last field in the record. #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub struct Base64RemainingBlob(Bytes); impl DnsPacketData for Base64RemainingBlob { fn deserialize(data: &mut Cursor) -> Result { Ok(Base64RemainingBlob(remaining_bytes(data))) } fn serialize(&self, _context: &mut DnsPacketWriteContext, packet: &mut Vec) -> Result<()> { packet.reserve(self.0.len()); packet.put_slice(&self.0); Ok(()) } } impl DnsTextData for Base64RemainingBlob { fn dns_parse(_context: &DnsTextContext, data: &mut &str) -> crate::errors::Result { skip_whitespace(data); let result = BASE64_ALLOW_WS.decode(data.as_bytes()) .with_context(|e| e.context(format!("invalid base64: {:?}", data)))?; *data = ""; Ok(Base64RemainingBlob(result.into())) } fn dns_format(&self, f: &mut DnsTextFormatter) -> fmt::Result { if !self.0.is_empty() { write!(f, "{}", BASE64_ALLOW_WS.encode(&self.0)) } else { Ok(()) } } } impl std::ops::Deref for Base64RemainingBlob { type Target = [u8]; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } /// No length byte (or restriction), just all data to end of record. uses /// hex encoding for text representation, whitespace allowed. /// /// No following field allowed, i.e. last field in the record. #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub struct HexRemainingBlob(Bytes); impl DnsPacketData for HexRemainingBlob { fn deserialize(data: &mut Cursor) -> Result { Ok(HexRemainingBlob(remaining_bytes(data))) } fn serialize(&self, _context: &mut DnsPacketWriteContext, packet: &mut Vec) -> Result<()> { packet.reserve(self.0.len()); packet.put_slice(&self.0); Ok(()) } } impl DnsTextData for HexRemainingBlob { fn dns_parse(_context: &DnsTextContext, data: &mut &str) -> crate::errors::Result { skip_whitespace(data); let result = HEXLOWER_PERMISSIVE_ALLOW_WS.decode(data.as_bytes()) .with_context(|e| e.context(format!("invalid hex: {:?}", data)))?; *data = ""; Ok(HexRemainingBlob(result.into())) } fn dns_format(&self, f: &mut DnsTextFormatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", HEXLOWER_PERMISSIVE_ALLOW_WS.encode(&self.0)) } } impl std::ops::Deref for HexRemainingBlob { type Target = [u8]; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } /// No length byte (or restriction), just all data to end of record. uses /// hex encoding for text representation, whitespace allowed. /// /// No following field allowed, i.e. last field in the record. /// /// Must contain at least one byte #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub struct HexRemainingBlobNotEmpty(Bytes); impl DnsPacketData for HexRemainingBlobNotEmpty { fn deserialize(data: &mut Cursor) -> Result { let data = remaining_bytes(data); failure::ensure!(!data.is_empty(), "must not be empty"); Ok(HexRemainingBlobNotEmpty(data)) } fn serialize(&self, _context: &mut DnsPacketWriteContext, packet: &mut Vec) -> Result<()> { failure::ensure!(!self.0.is_empty(), "must not be empty"); packet.reserve(self.0.len()); packet.put_slice(&self.0); Ok(()) } } impl DnsTextData for HexRemainingBlobNotEmpty { fn dns_parse(_context: &DnsTextContext, data: &mut &str) -> crate::errors::Result { skip_whitespace(data); let result = HEXLOWER_PERMISSIVE_ALLOW_WS.decode(data.as_bytes()) .with_context(|e| e.context(format!("invalid hex: {:?}", data)))?; *data = ""; failure::ensure!(!result.is_empty(), "must not be empty"); Ok(HexRemainingBlobNotEmpty(result.into())) } fn dns_format(&self, f: &mut DnsTextFormatter) -> fmt::Result { if self.0.is_empty() { return Err(fmt::Error); } write!(f, "{}", HEXLOWER_PERMISSIVE_ALLOW_WS.encode(&self.0)) } } impl std::ops::Deref for HexRemainingBlobNotEmpty { type Target = [u8]; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } }