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use failure::Error;
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum ParameterMode {
Position = 0,
Immediate = 1,
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Relative = 2,
impl ParameterMode {
pub fn decode(code: CELL) -> Result<(Self, CELL), Error> {
let rem = code / 10;
let mode = match code % 10 {
0 => Self::Position,
1 => Self::Immediate,
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2 => Self::Relative,
m => failure::bail!("Unknown parameter mode: {}", m),
Ok((mode, rem))
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum Instruction {
Add = 1,
Mul = 2,
In = 3,
Out = 4,
JumpIfTrue = 5,
JumpIfFalse = 6,
LessThan = 7,
Equal = 8,
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AdjustBase = 9,
Halt = 99,
impl Instruction {
pub fn decode(opcode: CELL) -> Result<(Self, CELL), Error> {
let rem = opcode / 100;
let instr = match opcode % 100 {
1 => Self::Add,
2 => Self::Mul,
3 => Self::In,
4 => Self::Out,
5 => Self::JumpIfTrue,
6 => Self::JumpIfFalse,
7 => Self::LessThan,
8 => Self::Equal,
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9 => Self::AdjustBase,
99 => Self::Halt,
n => failure::bail!("Unknown instruction code {}", n),
Ok((instr, rem))
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct OpCode {
pub instruction: Instruction,
pub modes: [ParameterMode; 3],
impl OpCode {
pub fn decode(opcode: CELL) -> Result<OpCode, Error> {
let (instruction, code) = Instruction::decode(opcode)?;
let (mode0, code) = ParameterMode::decode(code)?;
let (mode1, code) = ParameterMode::decode(code)?;
let (mode2, code) = ParameterMode::decode(code)?;
failure::ensure!(code == 0);
let modes = [mode0, mode1, mode2];
Ok(OpCode {
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pub type CELL = i64;
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum SimulateStep {
impl SimulateStep {
pub fn expect_output(self) -> CELL {
if let Self::Output(v) = self {
return v;
panic!("Expected Output, got {:?}", self);
pub fn expect_finished(self) {
if let Self::Finished = self { return; }
panic!("Expected Finished, got {:?}", self);
pub fn expect_wait_for_input(self) {
if let Self::WaitForInput = self { return; }
panic!("Expected WaitForInput, got {:?}", self);
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct IntCode {
/// instruction pointer
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pub ip: usize,
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/// base for relative mode
pub base: CELL,
/// next value to use for an "IN" (3) instruction (which will clear it)
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pub next_input: Option<CELL>,
/// memory of machine (both code and data)
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pub data: Vec<CELL>,
impl IntCode {
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fn read(&self, addr: CELL) -> CELL {
assert!(addr >= 0, "Tried reading negative address"); as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(0)
fn write(&mut self, addr: CELL, value: CELL) {
assert!(addr >= 0, "Tried reading negative address");
let addr = addr as usize;
if addr >= { + 1, 0);
}[addr] = value;
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fn fetch(&mut self, modes: &mut &[ParameterMode]) -> CELL {
let mode = modes[0];
*modes = &modes[1..];
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let imm = as CELL);
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self.ip += 1;
match mode {
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ParameterMode::Position =>,
ParameterMode::Immediate => imm,
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ParameterMode::Relative => + imm),
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fn store(&mut self, modes: &mut &[ParameterMode], value: CELL) {
let mode = modes[0];
*modes = &modes[1..];
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let addr = self.ip as CELL;
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self.ip += 1;
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let addr = match mode {
ParameterMode::Position =>,
ParameterMode::Immediate => addr,
ParameterMode::Relative => self.base +,
self.write(addr, value);
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fn binop<F>(&mut self, op: F, modes: &mut &[ParameterMode])
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F: FnOnce(CELL, CELL) -> CELL,
let src1 = self.fetch(modes);
let src2 = self.fetch(modes);, op(src1, src2));
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/// run simple machine without I/O to completion
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pub fn simulate(&mut self) {
assert_eq!(self.ip, 0);
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pub fn simulate_io<I>(&mut self, i: I) -> Vec<CELL>
I: IntoIterator<Item = CELL>,
assert_eq!(self.ip, 0);
let mut i = i.into_iter().fuse();
let mut buf = Vec::new();
loop {
match self.simulate_step() {
SimulateStep::Finished => break,
SimulateStep::WaitForInput => {
self.next_input = Some("no further input"));
SimulateStep::Output(n) => buf.push(n),
if {
panic!("Input not used completely");
/// run a machine until:
/// - it needs input, but `next_input` is `None`
/// - it outputs a value
/// - it finishes
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pub fn simulate_step(&mut self) -> SimulateStep {
loop {
let opcode = OpCode::decode([self.ip]).unwrap();
let modes = &mut &opcode.modes[..];
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self.ip += 1;
match opcode.instruction {
Instruction::Add => self.binop(|a, b| a + b, modes),
Instruction::Mul => self.binop(|a, b| a * b, modes),
Instruction::LessThan => self.binop(|a, b| if a < b { 1 } else { 0 }, modes),
Instruction::Equal => self.binop(|a, b| if a == b { 1 } else { 0 }, modes),
Instruction::In => {
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if let Some(v) = self.next_input.take() {, v);
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} else {
self.ip -= 1; // go back to opcode
return SimulateStep::WaitForInput;
Instruction::Out => {
return SimulateStep::Output(self.fetch(modes));
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Instruction::Halt => {
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self.ip -= 1; // make re-running this step end up here again
return SimulateStep::Finished;
Instruction::JumpIfTrue => {
if self.fetch(modes) != 0 {
self.ip = self.fetch(modes) as usize;
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} else {
self.ip += 1; // skip parameter for target
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Instruction::JumpIfFalse => {
if self.fetch(modes) == 0 {
self.ip = self.fetch(modes) as usize;
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} else {
self.ip += 1; // skip parameter for target
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Instruction::AdjustBase => {
self.base += self.fetch(modes);
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impl std::str::FromStr for IntCode {
type Err = <CELL as std::str::FromStr>::Err;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
Ok(IntCode {
ip: 0,
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base: 0,
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next_input: None,
data: s.split(',').map(|s| s.trim().parse::<CELL>()).collect::<Result<_, _>>()?,