This commit is contained in:
Stefan Bühler 2017-12-27 18:38:02 +01:00
parent 5a15519480
commit af95fbdf67
11 changed files with 355 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -79,15 +79,6 @@ pub struct DnsName {
total_len: u8,
/// names that should be written in canonical form for DNSSEC according
/// to
/// TODO: make it a newtype.
/// DnsCompressedName always needs to be written in canonical form for
pub type DnsCanonicalName = DnsName;
impl DnsName {
/// Create new name representing the DNS root (".")
pub fn new_root() -> Self {
@ -274,6 +265,15 @@ impl DnsPacketData for DnsCompressedName {
/// names that should be written in canonical form for DNSSEC according
/// to
/// TODO: make it a newtype.
/// DnsCompressedName always needs to be written in canonical form for
pub type DnsCanonicalName = DnsName;
/// Iterator type for [`DnsName::labels`]
/// [`DnsName::labels`]: struct.DnsName.html#method.labels

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use super::*;
use ser::text::{DnsTextData, DnsTextFormatter, DnsTextContext, next_field, quoted};
use ser::text::{DnsTextData, DnsTextFormatter, DnsTextContext, next_field, quoted, parse_with};
impl DnsName {
/// Parse text representation of a domain name
@ -75,6 +75,14 @@ impl DnsTextData for DnsName {
impl ::std::str::FromStr for DnsName {
type Err = ::failure::Error;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self> {
parse_with(s, |data| DnsName::dns_parse(&DnsTextContext::new(), data))
impl DnsCompressedName {
/// Parse text representation of a domain name
pub fn parse(context: &DnsTextContext, value: &str) -> Result<Self>
@ -93,3 +101,11 @@ impl DnsTextData for DnsCompressedName {
impl ::std::str::FromStr for DnsCompressedName {
type Err = ::failure::Error;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self> {
parse_with(s, |data| DnsCompressedName::dns_parse(&DnsTextContext::new(), data))

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ impl DnsPacketData for UriText {
fn serialize(&self, _context: &mut DnsPacketWriteContext, packet: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<()> {
ensure!(self.0.is_empty(), "URI must not be empty");
ensure!(!self.0.is_empty(), "URI must not be empty");

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ mod unsafe_ops;
pub mod errors;
pub mod common_types;
pub mod packet;
pub mod records;
pub mod ser;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
use byteorder::ByteOrder;
use bytes::{Bytes, Buf, BufMut, BigEndian};
use common_types::{Type, Class, DnsCompressedName};
use errors::*;
use ser::RRData;
use ser::packet::{DnsPacketData, DnsPacketWriteContext};
use std::io::Cursor;
use records::registry::deserialize_rr_data;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum QueryResponse {
impl Default for QueryResponse {
fn default() -> Self {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Default)]
pub struct DnsHeaderFlags {
pub qr: QueryResponse,
pub opcode: u8, // 0...15
pub authoritative_answer: bool,
pub truncation: bool,
pub recursion_desired: bool,
pub recursion_available: bool,
pub reserved_bit9: bool,
pub authentic_data: bool,
pub checking_disabled: bool,
pub rcode: u8, // 0...15
impl DnsPacketData for DnsHeaderFlags {
fn deserialize(data: &mut Cursor<Bytes>) -> Result<Self> {
let raw = u16::deserialize(data)?;
let qr = if 0 == raw & 0x8000 { QueryResponse::Query } else { QueryResponse::Response };
let opcode = 0xf & (raw >> 11) as u8;
let authoritative_answer = 0 != raw & 0x0400;
let truncation = 0 != raw & 0x0200;
let recursion_desired = 0 != raw & 0x0100;
let recursion_available = 0 != raw & 0x0080;
let reserved_bit9 = 0 != raw & 0x0040;
let authentic_data = 0 != raw & 0x0020;
let checking_disabled = 0 != raw & 0x0010;
let rcode = 0xf & raw as u8;
fn serialize(&self, context: &mut DnsPacketWriteContext, packet: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<()> {
let flags: u16 = 0
| match self.qr {
QueryResponse::Query => 0,
QueryResponse::Response => 1,
| (((0xf & self.opcode) as u16) << 11)
| if self.authoritative_answer { 0x0400 } else { 0 }
| if self.truncation { 0x0200 } else { 0 }
| if self.recursion_desired { 0x0100 } else { 0 }
| if self.recursion_available { 0x0080 } else { 0 }
| if self.reserved_bit9 { 0x0040 } else { 0 }
| if self.authentic_data { 0x0020 } else { 0 }
| if self.checking_disabled { 0x0010 } else { 0 }
| (0xf & self.rcode) as u16
flags.serialize(context, packet)
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, DnsPacketData)]
pub struct DnsHeader {
pub id: u16,
pub flags: DnsHeaderFlags,
pub qdcount: u16,
pub ancount: u16,
pub nscount: u16,
pub arcount: u16,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, DnsPacketData)]
pub struct Question {
pub qname: DnsCompressedName,
pub qtype: Type,
pub qclass: Class,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Resource {
pub name: DnsCompressedName,
pub class: Class,
pub ttl: u32,
pub data: Box<RRData>,
impl DnsPacketData for Resource {
fn deserialize(data: &mut Cursor<Bytes>) -> Result<Self> {
let name = DnsCompressedName::deserialize(data)?;
let rr_type = Type::deserialize(data)?;
let class = Class::deserialize(data)?;
let ttl = u32::deserialize(data)?;
let rdlength = u16::deserialize(data)? as usize;
check_enough_data!(data, rdlength, "RDATA");
let pos = data.position() as usize;
let rrdata_from0 = data.get_ref().slice(0, pos + rdlength);
let mut rrdata = Cursor::new(rrdata_from0);
let rd = deserialize_rr_data(ttl, class, rr_type, &mut rrdata)?;
ensure!(!rrdata.has_remaining(), "data remaining: {} bytes", rrdata.remaining());
data: rd,
fn serialize(&self, context: &mut DnsPacketWriteContext, packet: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<()> {, packet)?;
let rrtype =;
rrtype.serialize(context, packet)?;
self.class.serialize(context, packet)?;
self.ttl.serialize(context, packet)?;
let rdlen_pos = packet.len();
packet.put_u16::<BigEndian>(0); // stub
let rd_start = packet.len();, packet)?;
let rd_end = packet.len();
let rdlen = rd_end - rd_start;
ensure!(rdlen < 0x1_0000, "RDATA too big");
// now patch length
BigEndian::write_u16(&mut packet[rdlen_pos..][..2], rdlen as u16);
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct DnsPacket {
pub id: u16,
pub flags: DnsHeaderFlags,
pub question: Vec<Question>,
pub answer: Vec<Resource>,
pub authority: Vec<Resource>,
pub additional: Vec<Resource>,
impl DnsPacket {
pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut buf = Vec::new();
let mut ctx = DnsPacketWriteContext::new();
self.serialize(&mut ctx, &mut buf)?;
impl Default for DnsPacket {
fn default() -> Self {
id: 0,
flags: DnsHeaderFlags::default(),
question: Vec::new(),
answer: Vec::new(),
authority: Vec::new(),
additional: Vec::new(),
impl DnsPacketData for DnsPacket {
fn deserialize(data: &mut Cursor<Bytes>) -> Result<Self> {
let header = DnsHeader::deserialize(data)?;
Ok(DnsPacket {
flags: header.flags,
question: (0..header.qdcount).map(|_| Question::deserialize(data)).collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?,
answer: (0..header.ancount).map(|_| Resource::deserialize(data)).collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?,
authority: (0..header.nscount).map(|_| Resource::deserialize(data)).collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?,
additional: (0..header.arcount).map(|_| Resource::deserialize(data)).collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?,
fn serialize(&self, context: &mut DnsPacketWriteContext, packet: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<()> {
ensure!(self.question.len() < 0x1_0000, "too many question entries");
ensure!(self.answer.len() < 0x1_0000, "too many answer entries");
ensure!(self.authority.len() < 0x1_0000, "too many authority entries");
ensure!(self.additional.len() < 0x1_0000, "too many additional entries");
let header = DnsHeader{
flags: self.flags,
qdcount: self.question.len() as u16,
ancount: self.answer.len() as u16,
nscount: self.authority.len() as u16,
arcount: self.additional.len() as u16,
header.serialize(context, packet)?;
for r in &self.question {
r.serialize(context, packet)?;
for r in &self.answer {
r.serialize(context, packet)?;
for r in &self.authority {
r.serialize(context, packet)?;
for r in &self.additional {
r.serialize(context, packet)?;

View File

@ -1,48 +1,82 @@
use bytes::{Bytes, BufMut, BigEndian};
use common_types::{DnsName, Type, types, classes};
use records::registry;
use ser::{RRDataText, text, packet};
use bytes::Bytes;
use common_types::{DnsName, DnsCompressedName, Class, Type, types, classes};
use errors::*;
use packet::*;
use records::{UnknownRecord, registry};
use ser::{RRData, RRDataText, text};
use ser::packet::{DnsPacketData, deserialize_with};
use std::io::Cursor;
fn fake_packet(rrtype: Type, raw: &[u8]) -> Bytes {
let mut buf = Vec::from(&[
// id: 0
0, 0,
// flags: 0, opcode: 0 (QUERY), no error
0, 0,
// qdcount: 1,
0, 1,
// ancount: 1,
0, 1,
// nscount: 0,
0, 0,
// arcount: 0,
0, 0,
// question 0:
// - qname: "."
// - qtype: A (1),
0, 1,
// - qclass: IN (1),
0, 1,
// answer 0:
// - name: "rec.test"
3, b'r', b'e', b'c', 4, b't', b'e', b's', b't', 0,
// - type:
// - class: IN(1)
// - ttl: 0
let len = raw.len();
assert!(len <= 0xffff);
buf.put_u16::<BigEndian>(len as u16);
let p = DnsPacket{
question: vec![
Question {
qname: ".".parse().unwrap(),
qtype: rrtype,
qclass: classes::IN,
answer: vec![
Resource {
name: "rec.test.".parse().unwrap(),
class: classes::IN,
ttl: 0,
data: Box::new(UnknownRecord::new(rrtype, Bytes::from(raw))),
.. Default::default()
fn get_first_answer_rdata(packet: Bytes) -> Result<Bytes> {
let mut data = Cursor::new(packet);
let data = &mut data;
let header = DnsHeader::deserialize(data)?;
for _ in 0..header.qdcount {
ensure!(header.ancount > 0, "need at least one answer");
let _name = DnsCompressedName::deserialize(data)?;
let _rr_type = Type::deserialize(data)?;
let _class = Class::deserialize(data)?;
let _ttl = u32::deserialize(data)?;
let rdlength = u16::deserialize(data)? as usize;
check_enough_data!(data, rdlength, "RDATA");
let pos = data.position() as usize;
Ok(data.get_ref().slice(pos, pos + rdlength))
fn serialized_answer(rrdata: Box<RRData>) -> Result<Bytes> {
let p = DnsPacket{
question: vec![
Question {
qname: ".".parse().unwrap(),
qtype: rrdata.rr_type(),
qclass: classes::IN,
answer: vec![
Resource {
name: "rec.test.".parse().unwrap(),
class: classes::IN,
ttl: 0,
data: rrdata,
.. Default::default()
fn check(q: Type, text_input: &'static str, canonic: Option<&'static str>, raw: &'static [u8]) {
let canonic = canonic.unwrap_or(text_input);
@ -57,13 +91,8 @@ fn check(q: Type, text_input: &'static str, canonic: Option<&'static str>, raw:
registry::parse_rr_data(&context, data)
let d_wire = packet::deserialize_with(fake_packet(q, raw), |data| {
// skip header, question, and header of answer
use bytes::Buf;
registry::deserialize_rr_data(3600, classes::IN, q, data)
let d_wire_packet = deserialize_with(fake_packet(q, raw), DnsPacket::deserialize).unwrap();
let d_wire = &d_wire_packet.answer[0].data;
let d_zone_text = d_zone.text().unwrap();
let d_wire_text = d_wire.text().unwrap();
@ -71,7 +100,8 @@ fn check(q: Type, text_input: &'static str, canonic: Option<&'static str>, raw:
assert_eq!(d_zone_text, d_wire_text, "data parsed from zone doesn't match data from wire");
assert_eq!(&d_zone_text.1, canonic);
// TODO: serialize d_zone_text and compare with raw.
let zone_as_wire = serialized_answer(d_zone).unwrap();
assert_eq!(zone_as_wire, raw);

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ use bytes::{Bytes, Buf};
use common_types::classes;
use failure::ResultExt;
use records::structs;
use ser::{packet, text, StaticRRData, DnsPacketData};
use ser::{StaticRRData, packet, text};
use ser::packet::DnsPacketData;
use std::fmt;
use std::io::Cursor;

View File

@ -86,4 +86,7 @@ impl RRDataText for UnknownRecord {
impl RRData for UnknownRecord {
fn clone_box(&self) -> Box<RRData> {
Box::new(self.clone()) as _

View File

@ -18,9 +18,7 @@ where
let mut c = Cursor::new(data);
let result = parser(&mut c)?;
if c.remaining() != 0 {
bail!("data remaining: {} bytes", c.remaining())
ensure!(!c.has_remaining(), "data remaining: {} bytes", c.remaining());

View File

@ -93,7 +93,14 @@ impl<T: DnsTextData + StaticRRData> RRDataText for T {
pub trait RRData: RRDataPacket + RRDataText {
pub trait RRData: RRDataPacket + RRDataText + fmt::Debug {
fn clone_box(&self) -> Box<RRData>;
impl Clone for Box<RRData> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
pub trait StaticRRData: RRData {

View File

@ -73,6 +73,9 @@ pub fn build(ast: &syn::DeriveInput) -> quote::Tokens {
impl ::dnsbox_base::ser::RRData for #name {
fn clone_box(&self) -> Box<::dnsbox_base::ser::RRData> {
Box::new(self.clone() as #name) as _
impl ::dnsbox_base::ser::StaticRRData for #name {